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Product Catalog
IsoSpeak Software

Learn how IsoSpeak helps you reveal correlative insights into true, functional immune biology.

What's Inside

In this Product Catalog we discuss:

Visualize, target, and utilize data from direct, functional cytokine profiling of single cells
Easily stratify, correlate, & gather insight by revealing differences
Key visualizations including Polyfunctional Heat Map, PCA, PSI, & 3D Cytokine Mapping TSNE
A Deeper Look

More about this Product Catalog

The Award-Winning IsoSpeak Software

IsoSpeak is the first automated informatics suite for advanced, functional, cellular mapping and visualizations which can reveal correlative insights into true, functional immune biology.

The push-button user interface and advanced automation allow you to visualize, target, and utilize data from direct functional proteomic profiling of single cells and bulk populations.

Download the Product Sheet to learn more!

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