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Application Highlight
PSI™ Applied to Autoimmune Progression and Precise Therapeutic Targeting

Learn how PSI can help you characterize critical functional subsets of innate immune cells in multiple sclerosis patients to understand novel targets and advance therapy development.

What's Inside

In this Application Highlight we discuss:

How Polyfunctional Strength Index (PSI) can be used to assess cytokine secretion of single innate immune cell
Demonstrate how these differences can reveal critical therapeutic insight and novel targets
Demonstrate the value of PSI to reveal functional heterogeneity of single innate immune cells
Show that by detecting highly dysfunctional cell subsets, PSI can lead to the unique detection of key patient differences in autoimmune progression
A Deeper Look

More about this Application Highlight

Role of Innate Immunity in Multiple Sclerosis Pathogenesis Requires Further Understanding

MS is a complex disease that varies dramatically between individuals, and MS patients benefit from early diagnosis and a multifaceted therapeutic approach that slows disease progression and tries to reduce the number and severity of attacks.

Download this App Highlight to learn how Bruker Cellular Analysis was used to identify a pathologically and therapeutically relevant Toll-like receptor (TLR) previously uncharacterized in MS and to prove the hypothesis that MS patients have a deficiency in innate immune regulation leading to hyper-responsiveness to TLR2 stimulation.

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