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App Note
Proteomic Barcoding Product Suite for Neuroinflammation

Learn how Bruker Cellular Analysis’ Functional Proteomics reveals unique secretomic signatures and insights into neuroinflammation.

What's Inside

In this App Note we discuss:

Understanding the mechanism of disease progression in neuroInflammation
Revealing biomarkers of neurotoxicity and Immune Related Adverse Events (IRAEs)
The neural impact of T cells and inflammatory cytokines in Alzheimer’s disease
Neurological manifestations of COVID-19 in patients
The role of innate immunity in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) pathogenesis
Informing targeted combination therapy to overcome resistance in Glioblastoma (GBM) with single-cell intracellular proteomics
A Deeper Look

More about this App Note

Overcoming Challenges in Neuroinflammation

Neuroinflammation is a complex biological response to nervous tissue injury involving many inflammatory mediators, such as cytokines, chemokines, and many different cell types.

Heterogeneity in cytokine production and aberrant cytokine signatures can create challenges in assessing neuroinflammation.

Download this App Note to learn how Bruker Cellular Analysis helps you overcome these challenges by functionally defining each cell type to inform more effective therapies.

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